The circuits are ridiculously fast and unforgiving. There are death-defying jumps, unfenced sections and even a dinosaur mouthed tunnel that’ll close to obstruct the track. The tracks have boost zones, obstacles and even spiders that trap cars with their webs.

They feature the familiar orange track, slightly wider for cars to race on and pass each other, as well as a special magnetic track that lets cars drive inverted. The miniature circuits are set up in and around everyday places ranging from a college dorm to a skyscraper construction site. The result is an arcade racer that brings back memories of the Micro Machines games of the early ’90s. Whilst Forza Horizons 3 has the Hot Wheels track and cars scaled up to real-life proportions, Hot Wheels Unleashed keeps them toy-sized. There was still a good selection of tracks and circuits as well as over thirty cars to try out. The Hot Wheels Unleashed preview build only had the quick race mode available to play in single-player or local split-screen multiplayer. Of late Milestone has been more focused on motorcycle racing sims, but the outfit definitely has the chops to take on the iconic Hot Wheels franchise.

has been producing motor racing games since the 90s covering everything from WRC Rally to MotoGP. Of course, when I saw the Milestone logo, a developer that’s no stranger to racing games, my fears were somewhat allayed. The Playground Games’ Hot Wheels Expansion for the Australian-based Forza Horizon 3 is a favourite of mine. It was with some trepidation that I started up Hot Wheels Unleashed, a racing game based on Mattel’s famous line of toy cars.